[IAU logo]

[URSI logo]

[Karl Jansky at his antenna]
Jansky and his antenna. NRAO/AUI image

[Reber's Wheaton antenna]
Reber's Wheaton antenna. NRAO/AUI image

[Dover Heights]
Dover Heights. Photo supplied by Wayne Orchiston

[4C telescope]
4C telescope. NRAO/AUI image

[Ewen and horn antenna]
Ewen and the horn antenna, Harvard, 1951. Photo supplied by Ewen

[Dwingeloo, 1956]
Dwingeloo, 1956. ASTRON image

[Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Cambridge antenna used in pulsar discovery]
Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Cambridge antenna used in pulsar discovery. Bell Burnell image

[Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank]
Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank. Image © Anthony Holloway

[Wilson, Penzias, and Bell Labs horn antenna]
Wilson, Penzias, and Bell Labs horn antenna. Bell Labs image

[6-m Millimeter Radio Telescope in Mitaka, Japan]
6-m Mm Telescope in Mitaka, Japan. NAOJ image


History Talks

In recent years records of many meetings have moved away from print proceedings to Web collections of presentations, but meeting Web pages are not always permanently maintained. The intent of the History Talks page of the Working Group is to provide an ongoing record in pdf format of talks on radio astronomy history. If you have radio astronomy history talks to contribute, please contact Ellen Bouton, NRAO Archivist.

For history talks presented at WG sessions at IAU and URSI General Assemblies, see the WG Meeting Reports page.

Entire meeting proceedings (in date order):

Individual history talks (alphabetical by presenter):

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Modified on Monday, 10-Mar-2025 17:35:48 EDT. Page maintained by Ellen Bouton, NRAO Archivist (Questions or feedback)